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Future Thermal Analysis

Thermal Analysis of Iron

Control of production
of Grey and Ductile Iron
Plant reliability
Wireless solution

FT Analysis, s.r.o.

Long term praxis in area of iron metalurgy led us to development of a simple and reliable tool for molten iron control my means of thermal analysis. It is not meant just for grey iron but mainly the ductile iron.

We believe we developed a unique work tool. Please, contact us and became convinced with us.

Technical support of customers

We have dealt with the iron metalurgy long time and we are ready to help solving your production problems in wide range of view.

We not only sell and rent the equipment but we will teach you how to use the thermal analysis under your conditions and in your quality system.

Variance from eutectic point gives a clear overview about the real level of carbon equivalent of the given iron.

Thermal analysis is an economic benefit from quality and pruductivity point of view

For iron with high silicon content (HiSi, SiMo) the thermal analysis is a must.

Advantages of thermal analysis

Soundness of castings
